The conference programme for Intergalva 2024 has now been announced. Sessions will take place on Monday, 10, Tuesday, 11 and Wednesday, 12 June.
There is a wide range of sessions that reflect the current industry focuses, including Meeting the Decarbonisation Challenge, Facilitating the Circular Economy, Zinc – the Healthy and Plentiful Raw Material, Improving Process Efficiency, Performance of Galvanized Steel, and Climate Resilient Concrete Infrastructure with Galvanized Reinforcement . The majority of the programme is fixed, but we anticipate a few additions and adjustments – so check the event website for the latest programme. There will be simultaneous interpretations for German, Italian, French, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese and English.
The conference programme is augmented by optional masterclasses on key topics that are already proving popular with delegates. Topics include - Improving Energy Efficiency; Zinc Consumption and Kettle Maintenance; Optimising Pre-treatment; Improving Workplace Safety; Carbon Footprinting and EPDs for Galvanizing; Productivity and Jigging; Understanding ISO 1461 and Related Standards; LME Seminar: Zinc Trading, Pricing and Hedging.
Optional visits to galvanizing plants in the Benelux are available on 13 and 14 June.
Register by 12 April for a discount on early registration. Discounts are also available for association members.