AE Hall

Stockholmsmässan International Fair, Älvsjö, Sweden



The Stockholmsmässan International Fairs in Älvsjö is one of the world’s leading organizers of meetings with 10,000 exhibitors and 1.5 million visitors annually. Alessandro Ripellino/Rosenbergs Architects’ latest addition to the premises is a new multifunctional space intended for conferences and large exhibitions - the AE-hall.

The whole building is wrapped in a facade screen comprising approximately 1500 semi-perforated galvanized steel panels. They form a giant metallic basket with an embossed effect which is intensified by lighting fixtures that are integrated in the galvanized steel structure.

The hall is connected to the existing complex by a gallery which has also been completely remediated, with new mirror-like ceilings and greenery walls.

Project Details

Rosenbergs Arkitekter AB/Alessandro Ripellino
Mässfastigheter AB
Completion Date
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