KVK KOERNER is your reliable partner for clean galvanizing plants

KVK KOERNER has been working in the galvanizing industry for almost 50 years. Since the beginning of their activities, their goal has always been to offer products and process technology that meet the highest possible standards in quality, lifetime and environmental protection.

The KVK GreenPure Line

Green technology does not only mean environmental protection. Koerner‘s approach is much wider. Their philosophy is to serve the market with the best available quality products, together with the highest standard on process technology.

That leads to an extremely long lifetime (30 years and more) for KVK tanks that have been delivered all over the world. The patented KVK plate, which is produced in-house to their high manufacturing standards, results in the world’s toughest pretreatment tanks.

Environmental protection was always an important point for their products - KVK KOERNER was the first company to supply an encapsulated pretreatment line almost 30 years ago.

The green line includes also KVK GreenPure Air scrubber technology. This is a fume cleaning technology without additional chemicals (only pure water cleaning) resulting in a waste water-free operation. Optional we can equip our scrubbers with heat recovery system in order to recover the heat load of the extracted air.

KVK GreenPure Pickling Management is the optimum way to minimize acid consumption while achieving highest quality and efficiency.

The patented KVK GreenFluxystem is the innovative Flux recycling system. More than 50 plants are in operation all over the world.

The KVK software and calculation tools

KVK KOERNER's goal is to simplify the job of Galvanizing managers. Therefore KVK KOERNER will launch the PicklingTimer APP free of charge. Based on the Kleingarn diagram KVK KOERNER has improved the chart by implementing the influence of temperature, which simplifies the evaluation of pickling time

Another calculation tool is the KVK PICKLING OPTIMIZER. This is a simple tool for calculating complex mixing operations selecting the required result and learning how to get there.

KVK KOERNER your partner from Planning to Training

KVK KOERNER has supplied a huge number of plants worldwide as a general contractor. It is their philosophy to cooperate with partner companies, that are highly specialized in their business (crane systems, furnace systems), in order to make sure, that the best of each part of a galvanizing plant can be offered to their clients.

KVK KOERNER will guide you from the first concept to general Layout design, to detail engineering, manufacturing, erection to commissioning of the plant. They consider the special requirements of their clients and develop together with customers taylor-made solutions.

In the company's opinion, it is not enough to supply and commission a galvanizing plant. It is equally important to train the personnel - not only on the equipment but also for galvanizing skills, which is something completely different to equipment supply. KVK KOERNER specialists have more than 40 years of experience as production managers in different types of galvanizing plants. They guarantee the quickest production start-up including practical training of galvanizing staff, without making costly mistakes, that can happen without professional support.

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