Group 2 - 13/6 (07:30 - 20:10)
Plant Address - De Run 5118a, 5500, AB Veldhoven, The Netherlands
Kettle Dimensions (m) - 7.0 x 1.8 x 3.2
- Spinning line 1: 2.4 x 2.4 x 1.8; basket: 400mm
- Spinning line 2: 2.9 x 0.8 x 1.5; basket: 450x800mm and 450x1000mm
Items of Work -
- Batch galvanizing
- Spin galvanizing <350mm
- Spin galvanizing <1000mm
- Electroplating
- Powder coating
- Wet paint
- Stainless steel pickling; blasting; wet blasting
Plant opened - 1947
Last plant renewal - 2024
Powder Coating Plant Visit Included
Photographs/videos: PERMITTED - not in the electroplating and stainless steel department
Additional Information -
- Electro heated furnace spinning line
- Immerged burners spinning line
- Galvanizing with cameras
- Climate control of working area and scrubber in a combination.